When you change hosting providers, normally you need to update DNS records. Before you are going to change DNS records, it is better for you to know what is DNS (Domain Name System).

Myduniahosting.com has offered a Free DNS hosting for all customers to host their domain DNS records. This free service is available for all customers who ordered domain with Myduniahosting.com

Please refer below steps if you would like to use the service:

  1. Go to https://ca.myduniahosting.com/clientarea.php and login portal using your credentials.
  2. Once login, you will be prompted with your account dashboard.
  3. To access your Free DNS hosting service, click on Domain menu and click on Manage DNS.
  4. You will be then redirected to DNS manager page where you will be able to see all the domains that you have bought from myduniahosting.4.dnsmanager
  5. Choose the respective domain which you want to use Free DNS hosting and click on Add New Zone Button.
  6. You will then be prompted with a window to add the zone name,  key in your required domain and click on Add Zone button.
  7. Once the zone has been successfully created, you will be able to see a pencil icon on the right-hand side of the domain zone. You may click this icon if you would like to edit or add any new record for your domain zone.7. editdnszone
  8. Now you can add more records to your domain DNS records by clicking on Add Record button.
  9. You will be prompted with Add New Record window.
  10. Key in the required record, Choose the require DNS Record type and set the TTL respectively. The most important field is Name field and also RDATA field. for example if you would like to add a record for subdomain.petisurat.com you will need to key in Name as subdomain and RDATA as the respective IP address. Once done, click on the Add Record button to confirm the addition.
  11. Beside A record, you can also add other types of records such as AAAA, CNAME, DNAME, MX, and SRV.
  12. To make sure that your domain will be able to propagate correctly, please make sure that you change your domain name server to the respective name server inside your zone record. Please refer to How to change your domain name server.

It is easy, right? I hope you succeed to update DNS records by yourself.

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